If you wish to place an order online, here is how:
- Browse through the different categories available on our website.
- Browse through the pages. Once you have found the product you wish to purchase, click Add to Cart.
- Once you are happy with the contents of your Cart, please click Checkout.
- Enter in your billing and shipping information.
- Once the order is submitted, wait one (1) business day for one of our agents to send you further payment instructions.
Customers will also have the convenience of placing orders over the phone, by fax, or through email. Please note that some products may require proper licensing (i.e. state medical license) and this may be requested by members of our customer service team in order to fully process your order. If you have any further questions or need help placing orders, please feel free to contact our customer service department by phone 1-877-868-5460 or by email.